Miss Leiah

Miss Leiah
Click to see more pics of Me ;)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

You know what I hate? I really really don't like a man who is all talk and never pays up! Nothing is free in this world especially not me ;) I happen to be a very expensive woman and if you want my time then you better be prepared to come out of your wallet Sweetie. Unless your movie star hot and have a HUGE dick you have to pay for my attention and even then I expect a few gifts. I never put out if you don't at least buy my dinner and drinks first! You give me what I want though.... I promise you will get what you want ;)

On a side note I've been thinking about making a deal for our Marines! I just recently lost a close family member in Afghanistan and I want to give back the best way I can and give our boys a lil naughtiness in their life ;) Give me a call and lets see if we can work out a deal.


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